Friday, July 18, 2014

Dandelion Wishes by Melinda Curtis #Harlequin Heartwarming #Romance @MelCurtisAuthor


Will Jackson was a control freak and a killjoy. He had been since they were kids. He'd made it his mission to come between Emma Willoughby and her best friend—his little sister—all their lives. But why? Until the day of the accident, Emma had always thought of herself as adventurous, not dangerous…. And then her friend had almost died. 

She desperately needed to apologize, to try to explain, if she could. Will had managed to keep the two apart while Tracy was in the hospital, but now that she was home in Harmony Valley, the winemaker wannabe had to understand that getting past this was the only way they could heal. And yet even if Tracy was able to, Emma wasn't sure she could forgive herself. And Will had made it abundantly clear: he wouldn't sleep until he'd found retribution.

What readers are saying:

"Dandelion Wishes was so much fun to read. The colorful characters were so delightful and warm."

"I'm looking forward to reading more about Harmony Valley and its quirky residents. Ms. Curtis is off to a good start with this first book in her new series."

"I loved the small town setting and the fight by the residents to not lose the unity of the hometown to new growth. Will and Emma are dynamic characters with deep issues they are struggling to resolve. Ms. Curtis brings the internal and external conflicts together in a tender and satisfying way."

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